Monday, February 27

A little update about my life

Time to tell u guys about what has been going on lately in Manchester. Got my semester 1 results last friday. Sat for 2 papers (semester 1 test n progress test), got honours for both papers! Couldn't believe my eyes when i read it! Anyway though i'd worked quite hard for the previous semester, i'd still say it's more of luck that got me my honour grade. So, thanks for all the blessings.
Yesterday some Petronas people came to Manchester and we went out to a Malaysian Restaurant for a meeting session. Food was great. Talk by Dr Rosti was quite boring, mainly talked about stuff relevant to the Petronas business like engineering n finance. Then at the end had a bit of chat with him n the other delagates who came. It was alright overall.
Just came back from Stopford Building, had a lecture on hypertension n did PBL Case 5 this morning. Thought I contributed a fair amount of information. U know what Andrew did to me? I hate him! He wrote the word 'PENIS' on the back of my left hand with a permanent marker! Can't wash it off... That's so annoying! I thought I almost burst out in tears just now in the library. I'm soooooo frustrated right now! I'm not talking to him for at least a month from now!

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