Sunday, March 11


As a doctor, I feel I have matured compared to the time when I was a baby last year. Gosh, I complained too much before because I didn't know why things were done. Now, I review patients in the morning, evening and night if I am oncall, and more frequently if they are ill, without needing any prompting, because I want to know how they are and if there has been any problem. I have developed a few the spinal reflexes when dealing with emergencies. I spend time with my patients explaining about their illness and treatment, and make them feel they can approach me any time to ask me any questions. I volunteer to help at clinic if the MOs are short in numbers. I clerk cases as thoroughly as I could as if I am ready to present each and every of my patients with my bosses. I do not blindly copy management plans from the MOs. I am considerate to my colleagues. I pass over ill patients and never leave behind unsettled business to the oncall person. We support each other mainly by regular verbal outburst during lunch time. I feel more like a doctor now.

I am starting my fourth week in paediatrics. I work in an awesome team with super nice bosses who teach all the time. I am the only house officer in the team but patient load is manageable. It's a very rewarding experience working with kids and their parents. I am spending so much time praising and motivating the kids and teenagers that I am feeling so positive myself nowadays. Is paeds the way forward then? Haha... we shall see...


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