Headache hx, Physio cervical spine injury assessment, Ankle joint manipulation (physio), Spinal exercise, ACL exercise, Trigeminal neuralgia, Venupuncture, Venflon (Pink and green!), Hx and examination for head laceration and wrist twist
Abdominal pain (Twisted ovarian cyst), Headache hx (Photophobia), Asthma and management guidelines, ACS management (aspirin – clopidogrel – clexane), Venflon (Grey!), Venupuncture, ECG, Rashes in children, Idiopathic cardiac arrhythmia, Diabetic ketoacidosis and management (Hydration-insulin+atrarapid±antibiotic), CXR interpretation systematic approach, Chest pain hx
Archilles tendon rupture (Simmond’s test), Head injury hx and examination, Abdominal pain ?appendicitis, Venupuncture in difficult patients, OD hx, Epistaxis hx, CVA, Apnoea – breath holding spell in infant, Wrist injury – important to know the dominant hand, Abdominal exam & describing lump, ACS, Sudden loss of vision, Sudden blurring of vision
ABG, Venflon, TB, Acute exacerbation of COPD, Hyperglycaemia in DKA or HONK, Head injury (clerking and management, criteria of major head injury), Glandular fever – amoxicillin – rash, ECG description and interpretation, CV exam, Meningitis and febrile convulsion, CVA
Foreign body in the eyes, Slit lump and describing things in the eye, Accidental vs non-accidental fall in hx, Facial injury, Epistaxis and nose pack, Venflons (1 pink 1 green), Venupuncture, ECG, Hx headache, PE risk factors, Clerking OD, fall and pleuretic chest pain, Costo-chondritis, Paracetamol OD, Heart block , Subcutaneous injection, Fundoscopy, Whiplash injury, Diabetic presenting with back pain and incontinence – autonomic neuropathy, Methadone OD reversal with naloxone, Neurological examination. I was a star apparently.
Blood culture, Management of acute exacerbation of COPD, Ankle dislocation – unstable – reduction – x-ray, Suturing, Ureteric colic, Unwell baby, Collapse hx, Chest pain (PE and oral contraceptive pill), Pubic rami fracture, Asthma management in emergency
ACS, MI, Side effects of thrombolysis, Neurological exam, Subarachnoid haemorrhage, Lumbar puncture, Viral meningitis, Encephalitis, Shoulder reduction, Wrist reduction, Heart block, Venflon, ECG, Catheterisation, Dipstick machine, LBBB and RBBB, Hypothermia, Bradycardia management, GCS, Severe/Life threatening COPD exacerbation, Thoracocentesis for cardiac tamponade, Pneumothorax and cannula test, Ankle reduction, Anaesthetic induction in ED (cricoid pressure), 28% O2 for COPD, DIGAMI, My fourth cardiac arrest here.
Tired. But happy.
Monday, February 11
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