Saturday, February 20

One of the OSCE stations

Instruction outside the station: Please examine the patient’s heart


Me: (Introduction, Some difficulty with exposure as the lady was shy to take off her bra. Then Inspection, Palpation and Auscultation, then turned to examiner)


Examiner: Are you finished?


Me: Yes, I think so.


Examiner: Are you sure? No other examination to do?


Me: Yes, I am sure.


Examiner: Ok. Present your finding.


Me: On inspection, the lady looks comfortably at rest with some malar flush on the face. On inspection of the precordium, there is a median sternotomy scar. On palpation, there is no parasternal heave or thrills. On auscultation, I can hear an ejection systolic mummur loudest in the aortic area radiating to the carotids, There is no basal crepitation or peripheral oedema.


Examiner: Anything else?


Me: I think I heard a prosthetic valve click as well.


Examiner: Which valve?


Me: I’m not sure.


Examiner: What do you mean you are not sure? Did you listen with your stethoscope?


Me: Yes…


Examiner: Well? Do you know how to listen with your stethoscope?


Me: (A little taken back by his rudeness!) Yes, I do know. I think the click was loudest in the mitral area. 


Examiner: Only the mitral area?


Me: Well, I think so. But I think there is definitely two separate clicks on each of the first and second heart sounds, especially at the aortic area.


Examiner: So you heard clicks on the mitral and aortic area?


Me: Yes.


Are you saying that this patient has a combined aortic and mitral prosthetic valves?


Me: Yes.


Examiner: Good. Thank you. You may leave.



After being mocked on my auscultating skills, I was sure that I have failed this station. Turned out to have been award 6/7 for this station! The examiner had just put the diagnosis into my mouth. Luckiest escape ever. Just had to keep saying yes. :)



Jasmine said...

aiyo.. too bad this is not fb.. anyway... i like...

ginnypeo said...

it's like oral test in practical exam.. have to describe the dynamics. haha.. i 'like' too