Mom read my previous entry and she was a bit worried... I guess she never realize that the sad stuff I posted might have been exaggerated. After all, I don't expect anyone to take my words seriously. Anyway, I'm gonna write something pleasant now... just for a change in the blog atmosphere.
My first PBL training case - Polly's dilemma had been really fun. The topic was quite an easy and friendly one - something about rainbow, how it forms, how children learn, colour blind and professional responsiblities. Honestly, that's when I really discover the significance of 'others might know what u don't know' because all these while I'd been arrogant enough to think that I can see everything that everyone else can or can't see. I'd read the case quite a number of time and the idea of the kid in the case being possibly colour blind hadn't strike me even once until Rachel pointed out during the PBL session... In fact, that was actually the core problem that we were trying to understand in that case n I haven't even notice it... How foolish of me... Nevertheless, I contributed quite a lot of ideas and opinion to the group and I feel happy n satisfied of doing that...simply because I felt my existance valued. My tutor, Dr Melissa Westwood had been really helpful n considerate too. She actually asked me whether I had a problem with the term 'primary school' ... I think it's because the term defines an age group, in this case 5-11 for UK while if put in the context of Malaysian education system this would define an age group of 7-12.
Last weekend had really been a busy but fun one. On Saturday morning, I walked alone to Asda (Hulme) to buy my kitchen utensils and a duvet. I'd been quite proud to actually courageously roam around the city all by myself after settling down in Manchester for barely a fortnight. Then, during noon, Ai Ling n I went to shop at the city centre (Arndale shopping centre). There, I bought a duvet cover, a sheet set, a scientific calculator, a set of 10 hangers and an Adidas backpack all from Argos. Guess what? I only spent less than £40 for all of that...what an amazing feat of budgeting! For the rest of the nite before retiring, we spent a great time eating home cooked dishes in our chinese seniors' (Rom, Tiong n PuiSan) house. I was like half died by the time I go to bed.
On the next morning, I went fruit picking in a place called Cheshire with the Malay seniors: Mariam, Tika, Ida, Zai and some third n forth year seniors whose names I can't recall. It was an exciting trip. I'd never eaten a fruit that's been freshly plucked in my entire life. There were strawberries, apples, pears and raspberry. We spent have a day picking and eating the fruits before finally returning to Whitworth Park. Later I enjoyed a free lunch in the seniors' flat. (I had been getting loads of free meals since I landed in Manchester :).
After the pleasant n sensational weekend, it's back to serious business again. We started out second PBL training case yesterday n it's proven to be much more challenging than the first one. It's not just plain talking this time. We have to go back n seek for info about the learning objective we've defined. I'm currently working on it n I find it somewhat difficult because we were not told exactly how deep do we need to know. When I open the biochemistry book, it's really quite shocking to see so many technical terms n complicated charts which I'd never seen. It almost look it a book written in a foreign language to me. But I think I'll do fine. I'll just have to sit down (shutdown the computer, hide it far far away) n patiently read through the paragraphs to grasp the concept. I'm confident that I'll do fine. Even if it's not fine, I'm sure it'd be fine. After all they don't call it the 'training case' for nothing, do they?
Rite.. I think it's time for me to signoff n open my books. I'll update this as frequently as I can.