Monday, August 31

5th year resolution

Tomorrow I will be a final year medical student. As I mentioned in my previous post, 3rd year was an unhappy year so I made action plans in order to make 4th year less miserable one, and 4th year was BRILLIANT! Now I think in a way it is nice to have had a bad year because I was able to make changes and look forward to a better year. With my 4th year being so full of moments of euphoria, I'm not sure what I should do to match that up in my 5th year. There is only one specific thing that I really want to improve: my interpersonal skills. I want to learn how to be a 'nice' person. It's difficult to sum up a 'nice' person in a few words. I don't even know what it is exactly, but I know that talking to some people makes me feel equal, listened to and comfortable. I aspire to be like these 'nice' person and I know I'm not to some people. I am the kind of person who avoids my weakness at all cost, but I think this ego of mine and the lack of empathy to people surrounding me are holding me back. There is definitely room for improvement and I want to be the best person I can be. I hope being 'nicer' can make me happier. I strive on 3 'S' from now on - Sympatique, Souriant et Sincerite (copied from a French movie Mon meilleur ami [My Best Friend]).

But I still feel a bit like driving aimlessly without specific goals for my 5th year. Any advice? Help...



Wan Cheng said...

Yup yup.. Tat 3S are very important.. The goal of my life is to make a difference in the world, and i do that by starting small - by being a nice person.. I dowan to sound like a self-admit-nice-person, but when i practice the 3S, it feels rewarding to me just to noe tat I've made the day a little brighter for others..

Just a reminder, try to keep the balance between being nice and being urself.. It takes energy and effort to be nice, and sometimes we just dont have enough of those for others.. Just take it easy on urself.. U're ady doing it well =)

Yee Yen said...

Thanks for your advice Cheng. I'm counting on you to be my guru on this particular resolution. I have to think about making other people happy, not just to please myself.